Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Korean Vocabulary

Talk To Me In Korean (TTMIK) also came up with a series of video that start with a particular consonant: ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ etc. (They have a total of 14 videos so far)

An Example of the lesson.

Access the playlist here

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Korean Vocabulary builder

One of the ways to improve korean rapidly is to expand your vocabulary.

Koreanclass 101 came out with a series of vocabulary words with images. There is a total of 23 catergories with common words that you will use daily. These are really awesome because it has english and korean words as well as an image.

1) Vegetables
2) Fruits
3) Vehicles
4) In the city
5) Body parts
6) Kitchen
7) Weather
8) Clothing
9) Bookstore
10) School
11) Room
12) Office
13) Jobs
14) Fairy Tale
15) Sports
16) School Subjects
17) Colors
18) Plants
19) Farm animals
20) Safari animals
21) Marine animals
22) Computer
23) Winter

Access the playlist here

An example of the lesson.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Korean Drama Phrases

Who doesn't love korean dramas? Always wanted to learn that line in the korean drama.

Here is a series of drama phrases. I really love Talk To Me In Korean (TTMIK) These people just makes everything more fun.

An example of the lesson:

 Access the playlist here

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More Korean Phrases

A series of beginner, intermediate korean travel phrases as well as other useful phrases. Comes with hangul and english words. I find the lesson very well explained.

An example of the lesson


 Access the playlist here

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Korean Swear Words

I find this one really funny and interesting. Good to know some swear words.